2021-2022 COMMITTEES
Finance Committee:
(a) prepare a budget for the Grand Chapter and the Grand Council for 2010-2011;
(b) audit Hilo, Honolulu & Windward York Rite.
Jurisprudence / By-Laws Committee:
(a) answer questions of YR law on an ad hoc basis;
(b) periodically review Chapter and Council By-Laws.
Members: All Past High Priests and Past Illustrious Masters.
Communications / Membership:
(a) YR-HI ROLLS System to be implemented immediately,
(b) quarterly GYRNewsletter (input from all Officers & YR-Bodies)
(c) develop and implement the R3 York Rite Membership Development Plan focused
on the three areas: Retention, Restoration and Recruitment;
(d) expand and refine the YR Ambassadors Program;
(e) streamline procedures for obtaining and processing Membership Petitions
(f) development and maintenance of a YR Website.
Long-Range Planning:
(a) annual review of Mission and Vision statements;
(b) determine annual objectives / goals for current administration;
(c) determine mileposts (measurements of progress) and
“critical success factors” (measurements of success).
(a) plan and offer schools of instruction (opening, ritual, review of signs, etc.);
(b) plan and offer programs of YR education (history and meetings, etc.).
York Rite Education:
(a) with the exception of Degree / Order Rituals, the York Rite Sovereign College of Hawaii
to prepare and implement Educational Programs. History, Management, Officers, etc.
Ad Hock Committee:
(a) Website Development, Officers Manual, Job Descriptions.